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Energy Booster

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Energy Booster
  • 26 Dec

Energy Booster

Recommended Ingredients


Ginseng is a precious traditional Chinese medicine and is known as the "king of tonics". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that ginseng has the functions of invigorating vitality, enhance functions of spleen and lung and soothing the mind. The main active ingredients of ginseng are polysaccharides, saponins, polypeptides, fatty acids, etc., which can regulate immunity, anti-fatigue, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, improve physical strength, lower blood sugar, and improve male endurance, performance and overall health.


Maca is a Peruvian plant and known as "Peruvian National Treasure" and "Peruvian Ginseng". It is rich in amino acids, fats, vitamins and trace elements such as iron, calcium, copper, zinc and potassium. It also contains other biologically active compounds including macamides, macaridines, alkaloids and glucosinolates. Locals use it to enhance sexual function, fertility, boost energy, soothe mood, fight depression and boost immunity.